Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County (CWWNC)

Ministry Description:
In 1992, four newly widowed Catholics formed an organization to provide support and friendship to others who had experienced the loss of their spouse. Since then the group has flourished, resulting in an annual membership of almost 200 members from Catholic Parishes across North County.

A welcomed camaraderie develops as our members enjoy a variety of social and religious activities. We keep our members informed with a monthly newsletter that includes a busy calendar of 15 to 18 activities; of course, you choose which events you want to attend. 

By helping to fill the void phentermine online after the loss of a spouse, we are once again finding pleasure in our new life. 

View the CWWNC page for more information.

Our Schedule:
A welcomed camaraderie develops as our members enjoy a variety of social and religious activities. We keep our members informed with a monthly newsletter that includes a busy calendar of 15 to 18 activities, like dining, dancing, tours, an annual picnic theater, card games, bowling, miniature golf, and hiking. Visit our Activities Calendar for a full list of everything we have going on!

Contact Information:

St. Mary’s Parish Representative: Earl LaMothe


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