Join A Ministry

Faith Formation and Evangelization

"In all circumstances, hold fait has a shield"

Ephesians 6:16

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Come and worship, adore, and pray in the presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. 

CATECHISTS: Share your love of faith with the children and adults in our parish by volunteering to teach pre-designed lesson plans to our community.

CHILDREN’S LITURGYCelebrate the joy of the Mass with our youngest parishioners by bringing the Liturgy of the Word to them at an age-appropriate level at designated Sunday Masses.

DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP: Gather each week as we pray the Divine Mercy chaplet for both personal intentions and prayers for our clergy, families, neighbors and the whole world.

FAITH FORMATION FOR ADULTS: Grow in faith and expand your knowledge of the Catholic faith through video and discussion with other adults in our parish.

FAITH FORMATION FOR CHILDREN: Provides a comprehensive religious education program from kindergarten through the eighth grade.

INSPIRATION LIBRARY: Check out (free) family-friendly and educational movies, books, and CDs; it’s sure to bring a bit of fun and faith into your home.

LEGION OF MARY:  Become part of a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, under the powerful leadership of Mary, serve the Church and their neighbors through apostolic work and prayer.

SEVEN SISTERS APOSTOLATE: Answer the call to pray each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop for his deeper conformity to Christ.

VOCATIONS: Provides a place for inquiries as to vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate, or religious life.

liturgy and worship

"We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word."

Acts 6:4

ALTAR SERVERSAltar servers serve as a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during Mass. Open to youth in 4th grade through adult.

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION: Assists the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion (bread and wine) during Mass.

GREETERS: Welcomes everyone to St. Mary’s as they enter the church at weekend and Holy Day liturgy, and makes everyone feel at home in our parish community.

LECTORS: Proclaims and reads the living word of God to our assembled faith community at daily, weekend, and holy day Masses.

MUSIC MINISTERS: Share your gift of voice or instrument with our parish community at weekday, weekend, or feast day Mass celebrations.

SACRISTANS: Prepares the church building and worship space for liturgies, prepares liturgical materials necessary for Mass, participates during the liturgy, and secures the building.

USHERS: Ushers welcome the congregation as they enter the church, assist them in finding seats, and take up the weekly collection.

Marriage and family life

"We love because he loved us first."

1 John 4:19

WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a positive and personal experience for couples offering techniques for lifetime loving communication.

RETROUVAILLE: No matter how much your marriage is hurting, no marriage is beyond hope. If life has taken your marriage on a different path, find your way back to love through retrouvaille.

CATHOLIC WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS OF NORTH COUNTY (CWWNC): Find pleasure in life after the death of your spouse through support, camaraderie, and fun with other ladies and gentlemen.

BEREAVEMENT / FUNERAL MINISTRY: Walk with a family during their season of grief, and be their support as they plan a family member’s funeral.

HOSPITAL MINISTRY: Bring the Sacrament of Communion to those hospitalized at Tri-City Hospital. Training is provided.

FEED MY PEOPLEProvide a good meal to the people of our parish and local community, whether the need is born of homelessness, joblessness or crisis.

ROSARY TO END ABORTION:  Enable healing and provide resources to help end abortion and support those who have had one through peaceful prayer.

ALTAR SOCIETY: Become a member in the Altar Society, our leading women’s ministry, as they enrich the spiritual life of their members and preserves the sanctity of the interior of the church.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Join other men in the Knights of Columbus, our leading men’s ministry for men in full communion with the Church.

SERRA CLUB: Partner with other dedicated Catholics who pray for the increase and perseverance of vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life.

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