Ministry Description:
Share the Liturgy of the Word at designated 10:00am Sunday Masses with our youngest parishioners. During Mass, the minister brings the children to a quiet room before the readings begin. They lead the children in an opening prayer, one reading, a psalm, and the Gospel. They then ask the children what they learned/heard, facilitate a discussion about the Gospel, and ask them to think how it applies to them today/this week (“What could you do to carry out the message this week?”).
Our Schedule:
This ministry serves during the 10:00am Mass, and the only extra time commitment is to prepare by pre-reading and reflecting on the scripture for the week.
Contact Information:
Ministry Leader: Marissa Esparza-Garcia
Email: or Phone: (760) 231-6166
REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: We are committed to providing a safe environment for all our children and vulnerable adults. To contact the Victims Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of San Diego, please call 858-490-8353 or visit
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