Ministry Description:
Welcome to the St. Mary, Star of the Sea Altar Society! We hope to provide you with information on the Altar Society and encourage you to join us at our next meeting and/or event.
Established in 1933, the St. Mary Star of the Sea Altar Society is an organization within the Parish. Our Mission is to encourage the spiritual life of our members through Fellowship, Charity, and Service. We strive to preserve the sanctity of the altar, sacristy, and the interior of our historic church. We provide outreach to our members and their immediate families in times of need, especially sickness and death. We support these essential activities through our fund raising efforts.
Our Altar Society ensures the weekly care of linens, sacred vessels, vestments, candles, holy water,
and all items necessary for the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical functions. We also collect and provide floral decor for the church for Christmas, Easter, and special occasions, as well as other fundraising activities throughout the year.
We are also involved with spiritual and social activities that include the Quarterly Corporate Communion Masses, recognition of members birthdays at monthly meetings, bereavement support for members after the loss of an immediate family member, and we provide funeral/luncheon reception at the request of member families.
We invite all Catholic ladies of the parish over the age of 18 years of age to join us!
Our Schedule:
Our meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm at St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish. We get together throughout the month for service projects here at our church, as well as for fun!
Contact Information:
Ministry Leaders: Connie Reyna
– Membership Application
– Membership Handbook
– Constitution and Bylaws
– Code of Conduct
REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: We are committed to providing a safe environment for all our children and vulnerable adults. To contact the Victims Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of San Diego, please call 858-490-8353 or visit
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