Faith Formation for Children

Parents have the unique responsibility for the education of their children; they are their first educators and catechists. They teach by their witness of their faith, through their values and attitudes, by their Christian example of love for Christ and his Church. When children are baptized, parents accept the responsibility to raise their children in the practice of the faith. (National Directory for Catechesis 234-235).

To assist parents in meeting their responsibility as primary catechists, St. Mary’s offers a comprehensive religious education program from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Classes meet on Sundays from 9am to 10:15 am, September through May, with certified catechists. Weekend Mass attendance is expected and required as part of the program.

In order to register your children for classes, please contact the Parish Office with any additional questions.

St. Mary’s offers comprehensive sacramental preparation for both children and adults. Call our Faith Formation Office today to receive general information as well upcoming registrations

Marissa Esparza-Garcia

Director of Catechetical Ministries (DCM)


Browse the wide selection of children's movies, books, and CDs available for check-out in our Inspiration Library.

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