Women’s Retreat at Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center

9:00 am - 3:00 pm
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St. Mary’s Altar Society invites all the ladies of the parish to participate in a day of spiritual renewal, Sept. 19th from 9am-3pm at Mission San Luis Rey.

San Luis Rey Retreat Center offers place for spiritual growth, healing, revitalization and improving one’s closeness with God. Taking time out in a spiritual retreat and leaving behind the problems of our busy materialistic world can provide an opportunity to think more deeply about what is going on in or inner lives and can be wonderfully rewarding. All ladies are welcome to come and listen to hear God’s voice in your heart. God is worthy of our time.

Come join us with Father Larry Dolan on this retreat! The cost is $25 for the day which needs to be paid by Sept. 9th and includes lunch Checks can be left at the Parish Office with Mary Milew’s name on the envelope. For more info call Mary at 760-433-2227.