First Friday/First Saturday Devotion

First Friday/First Saturday Devotions

Start the month out receiving graces from God and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Join us for 8:00am Mass followed by Confession, Rosary and Anointing of the Sick.

Can’t make it?

Spend time with our Lord during Overnight Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10pm to 7am, coffee provided. Our First Saturday Mass begins at 7:00am followed by Confessions.

Advent Retreat Continues

Advent Retreat Continues...

December 7, 2024

The journey continues!

Reconnect with Advent Retreat attendees to share how you are prepared for this Holy Season. We will establish small groups who can continue to gather to continue discussions and build community.

The meeting will be from 9:00 am to 11:00 am in the Star of the Sea Center Hall. Continental Breakfast will be available at 7:30 am

Pancake Breakfast

Every "Second Sunday", the Knights of Columbus cook up a delicious Pancake Breakfast, which is served in the Parish Center after the 8:00am & 10:00am Masses. This is a great opportunity to support our Knights and visit with your fellow parishioners after Mass!

Our Knights will also be selling Religious Christmas Cards during their pancake breakfast on December 8th.

Our Lady of Guadalupe/Celebración Guadalupana

Our Parish will host a

Celebration in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 Program

Our Lady of Guadalupe's Feast Day will begin on Wednesday, December 11th with a Processional walk from the Joseph Balderrama Park to the church at 6:00pm. The park is located on 709 San Diego St.  There will be a Solemn Vigil Mass in Spanish at 7:00pm followed by a reception in the Star of the Sea Center with cultural dance and a delicious pozole.

Thursday, December 12th, 2024 Program

Mañanita will commence at 12:00am to 5:00am. There will be a Spanish Liturgy of the Word Service at 5:00am and the morning festivities will conclude with an English Mass at 8:00am.

We will have the Blessed sacrament exposed in the main altar and the Church doors will remain open for visitors from 8:30am to 7:00pm.

See flyer for full details

Nuestra Parroquia celebra una

Fiesta en Honor a Nuestra Señora

la Virgen de Guadalupe

Programa del Miércoles 11 de diciembre del 2024

La Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe comenzará el miércoles 11 de diciembre con una  procesion desde el Parque Joseph Balderrama (hubicado en 709 San Diego St.) a las 6:00pm hacia la Iglesia para la celebracion de la Misa Vigilia en español a las 7:00pm.
Despues de Misa habra una recepción en el Salón Estrella del Mar con bailables culturales y un delicioso pozole.

Programa del Jueves 12 de diciembre del 2024

Las Mañanita comenzará el 12 de diciembre de 12:00am a 5:00am. Habrá un Servicio de Liturgia de la Palabra en español a las 5:00am y las festividades de la mañana concluirán con una Misa en inglés a las 8:00 am. 

Estará el Santísimo Sacramento expuesto en la Iglesia de 8:30 am a 7:00 pm. Las puertas de la Iglesia permanecerán abiertas para los visitantes


Ver volante por mas detalles

Advent Penance Service

Advent Penance Service/ Servicio Penitencial de Adviento

Our Parish will have the special opportunity for you to make your Advent Confessions.

Multiple priests will be available for our Advent Reconciliation Service in the church at 7pm on Friday, December 13th.

This is an important part of preparing ourselves to celebrate the coming of our Lord.