Adult faith formation, by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study, must be "the central task of catechesis" becoming "the axis around which revolves the catechesis of childhood and adolescence as well as that of old age." This can be done specifically through developing in adults a better understanding of and participation in the full sacramental life of the Church. (Source: Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us).
St. Mary’s offers a variety of opportunities for adults to enrich their faith life through study and prayer on a weekly and seasonal basis such as:
- Weekly Scripture Study: Fridays at 11 am in the Parish Center you can study the readings of the week.
- New Monthly Series: First Saturday Coffee, Fellowship and Conversations with various guest speakers from 8:30am to 10am in the Parish Center. February 1st Topic: Mary's CPR- Crusade of Prayer for bringing loved ones back to the faith.
- Wide selection of movies, books, and CDs available for check-out in our Inspiration Library.